Changelog ********* 1.9.1 ===== * Add a real AWS integration test for S3FSStore * Add minio test for S3FSStore * `verify` url param that can be passed to url when creating a `[h]s3://` store now really controls SSL verifaction * Refactor tests to not skip Boto3Store / S3FSStore tests anymore if `boto` is unavailible 1.9.0 ===== * Add `session_token` url param that can be set when creating a `[h]s3://` store via `get_store_from_url`. 1.8.6 ===== * We undeprecated ``url2dict`` and ``extract_params`` as these functions turned out to be useful in downstream projects. 1.8.5 ===== * Changed generic `IO` type to `BinaryIO`. 1.8.4 ===== * Removing invalid BSD-3 Clause license classifier. 1.8.3 ===== * Changed `__iter__` return type to `Iterator`. 1.8.2 ===== * Include Python 3.12 in CI * Migrate setup.cfg and into pyproject.toml * Port to ruff * Include pre-commit autoupdate workflow * Determine version in ``docs/`` automatically 1.8.1 ===== * Drop `pkg_resources` and use `importlib.metadata` to access package version string. * Add missing `region_name` in `s3fs` store creation to set required location contraint during bucket creation. 1.8.0 ===== * Fixed the behaviour of ``S3FSStore`` when providing a custom endpoint. * Added ``verify`` constructor argument to ``S3FSStore`` that disables SSL verification. Use it in an URI as ``?verify=false``. * Fixing ``boto3`` import at module level of `s3fsstore`. 1.7.0 ===== * Deprecated ``get_store``, ``url2dict``, and ``extract_params``. * ``get_store_from_url`` should be used to create stores from a URL * Added ``from_url`` and ``from_parsed_url`` to each store. * Made the SQLAlchemyStore compatible with SQLAlchemy 2.0. 1.6.0 ===== * Added ``S3FSStore``. This is a drop-in replacement for the ``Boto3Store`` and will replace it in the next major release. 1.5.0 ===== * Added concept for closable stores. * Stores and Decorators can now be opened using ``with KeyValueStore as store`` * Implemented this functionality for baseclasses and the ``AzureBlockBlobStore`` 1.4.4 ===== * Keys are not quoted for ``FSSpecStore``s anymore. * Thus, e.g. GCS objects whose names include special characters like ``/`` or ``#`` can now be accessed. 1.4.3 ===== * Bug fixes for Google Cloud Storage: * Request correct OAuth scope when creating credentials from URL * Conform to ``BufferedIOBase`` class by calling ``super()`` 1.4.2 ===== * Declare packages as ``py.typed``. 1.4.1 ===== * We now lazily import ``gcsfs``. 1.4.0 ====== * Drop support for Python 3.6 & 3.7 * Add support for Python 3.10 * Reimplement GoogleCloudStore using ``gcsfs`` and ``fsspec``. This is a drop-in replacement for the old implementation. 1.3.1 ===== * Fixed a bug requiring ``redis`` in :func:`~minimalkv._get_store.get_store_from_url`. 1.3.0 ===== * Moved mixin classes ``UrlMixin`` and ``CopyMixin`` from ``minimalkv`` to ``minimalkv._mixins``. * Moved mixin class ``ExtendedKeyspaceMixin`` from ``minimalkv.contrib`` to ``minimalkv._mixins``. * Moved stores ``KeyValueStore`` and ``UrlKeyValueStore`` from ``minimalkv`` to ``minimalkv._key_value_store``. * Moved functions ``get_store`` and ``get_store_from_url`` from ``minimalkv`` to ``minimalkv._get_store``. * Moved constants ``FOREVER``, ``NOT_SET``, ``VALID_NON_NUM``, ``VALID_KEY_REGEXP`` and ``VALID_KEY_RE`` from ``minimalkv`` to ``minimalkv._constants``. * Moved constants ``VALID_NON_NUM_EXTENDED``, ``VALID_KEY_REGEXP_EXTENDED``, ``VALID_KEY_RE_EXTENDED`` from ``minimalkv.contrib`` to ``minimalkv._constants``. * All changes are backwards compatible. 1.2.2 ===== * Improved the API documentation of ``minimalkv``. 1.2.1 ===== * Fixed ``intersphinx`` inventory build on readthedocs to include all classes. 1.2.0 ===== * Add Python 3.6 / 3.9 to build and support matrix. * Allow creating ``GoogleCloudStore`` via URL * Fix sphinx intersphinx generation and cleanup docs configuration. 1.1.0 ===== * Merge ``storefact`` into the tree. 1.0.0 ===== * Rename to ``minimalkv``. 0.15.0 ====== * Add support for Google Cloud Storage through ``google-cloud-storage`` (for Python3). 0.14.1 ====== * Fix support for ``key in store`` for azure with ``azure-storage-blob``. 0.14.0 ====== * Add support for ``azure-storage-blob`` version 12. (``azure-storage-blob`` version 2 is still supported.) 0.13.1 ====== * Add the optional parameters of the Azure API max_block_size and max_single_put_size to the AzureBlockBlobStore. 0.13.0 ====== * Add ``iter_prefixes()`` method to iterate over all prefixes currently in the store, in any order. The prefixes are listed up to the given delimiter. 0.12.0 ====== * Use ``BlockBlobService.list_blob_names`` in ````. This will only parse the names from Azure's XML response thus reducing CPU time siginificantly for this function. * They ``.keys()`` method on Python 3 now returns a list. This is in line with the documentation and the behaviour on Python 2. It used to return a generator. 0.11.11 ======= * Fix file-descriptor leak in `KeyValueStore._get_file` 0.11.10 ======= * Azure files handles now correctly implement seek and return the new position. 0.11.9 ====== * Add option to set the checksum for Azure blobs. * Make the FilesystemStore resilient to parallel directory creations. 0.11.8 ====== * Depend on azure-storage-blob, following the new naming scheme. * Pass the max_connections parameter to Azure backend. 0.11.7 ====== * removed seek() and tell() API for file handles opened in the botostore, due to it leaking HTTP connections to S3. 0.11.6 ====== * Support seek() and tell() API for file handles opened in the botostore. 0.11.5 ====== * Fix one off in open() method interfaces for azure backend 0.11.4 ====== * The open() method in the azure backend now supports partial reads of blobs * The exceptions from the azure backend contain more human-readable information in case of common errors. 0.11.3 ====== * Apply 0.11.2 in ExtendedKeySpaceMixin as well 0.11.2 ====== * Restore old behaviour of accepting valid keys of type `str` on Python 2 0.11.1 ====== * Fix version in 0.11.0 ====== * The memcached backend has been removed * Keys have to be provided as unicode strings * Values have to be provided as bytes (python 2) or as str (python 3) * keys() and iter_keys() provide a parameter to iterate just over all keys with a given prefix * Added :class:`minimalkv.CopyMixin` to allow access to copy operations to backends which support a native copy operation * Added a decorator which provides a read-only view of a store: :class:`~minimalkv.decorator.ReadOnlyDecorator` * Added a decorator which url-encodes all keys: :class:`~minimalkv.decorator.URLEncodeKeysDecorator` * Added a Microsoft Azure Blob Storage backend: :class:`` * Added ``minimalkv.contrib.ExtendedKeyspaceMixin`` which allows slashes and spaces in key names This mixin is experimental, unsupported and might not work with all backends. 0.10.0 ====== * simplekv no longer depends on ``six``. * The :class:`~minimalkv.decorator.PrefixDecorator` works more as expected. * An experimental git-based store has been added in :class:`~minimalkv.git.GitCommitStore`. 0.9.2 ===== * Added :class:`~minimalkv.decorator.PrefixDecorator`. 0.9 === * Deprecated the :class:`~minimalkv.UrlKeyValueStore`, replaced by flexible mixins like :class:`~minimalkv.UrlMixin`. * Added :class:`~minimalkv.TimeToLiveMixin` support (on :class:`~minimalkv.memory.redisstore.RedisStore` and minimalkv.memory.memcachestore.MemcacheStore). 0.6 === * Now supports `redis `_ backend: :class:`~minimalkv.memory.redisstore.RedisStore`. * Fixed bug: No initial value for String() column in SQLAlchemy store. 0.5 === * Maximum key length that needs to be supported by all backends is 250 characters (was 256 before). * Added `memcached `_ backend: minimalkv.memory.memcachestore.MemcacheStore * Added `SQLAlchemy `_ support: :class:`~minimalkv.db.sql.SQLAlchemyStore` * Added :mod:`minimalkv.cache` module. 0.4 === * Support for cloud-based storage using `boto `_ (see :class:`.BotoStore`). * First time changes were recorded in docs 0.3 === * **Major API Change**: Mixins replaced with decorators (see :class:`minimalkv.idgen.HashDecorator` for an example) * Added `minimalkv.crypt` 0.1 === * Initial release